Eugen Laitenberger
Gunee homme
Studio: Cologne
Gunee Homme is a brand that focuses on a clear, slim men’s style and is hence a rather classic fashion line. The clarity is broken by the patterns I develop and which make Gunee Homme stand out. The patterns are thus a core component of the brand and I strive for a high quality and optimum pattern adjustment in the finished products. For instance, the breast pocket of a shirt will be fitted onto the front in a way that makes it almost invisible except for the little button, and the flow of the pattern won’t be boroken by the button border.
Only our office is in Cologne. We primarily distribute our products via show rooms to Asia. Accessories (ties, bow ties and socks), however, can be delivered upon request. Moreover, as we mainly produce in Germany, we can offer made-to-measure shirts and jackets on demand.
To a fashion and lifestyle enthusiast tourist in NRW I would recommend to buy a ticket for the Thalys train and go to Paris. For historical reasons, NRW is a region that I would rather associate with coal mining and headache pills than fashion and lifestyle. Historically, in Germany, the car has always been more important than the individual sense for fashion. For the latter one should rather look to Belgium or France. Nonetheless, there are a few oases around. If one is looking for renowned French or Italian fashion labels, the only place to go in NRW is basically Düsseldorf. For exceptional products from the realm of perfume, home wear or spa I recommend the fivve shop in Cologne. And if in search for something classical and exceptionally crafted I can recommend Cologne hatter Jürgen Eifler.